Mrs B dealing with some crazy sh%t

Mrs. B haggling on the price of a spear

Rats falling to their death

Evil mega-rat killing cute otter type
So, ya know those movies that are for kids except they are really FRIGGIN scary, like 'The Dark Crystal' and 'Labyrinth'...well, for me, those two were child's play in comparison to the 1982 Don Bluth film, 'The Secret of Nimh'. For my four year old self, this film was that "frightening-I can't deal with how stark the colors are-I am SO scared of those horrible bad guys and why the hell do I keep watching this movie" movie.
First of all, Mrs. Brisby the field mouse was a WIDOW! So, now my 4 year old self learned that parents can DIE! After the father's death, they had to live in a CINDER BLOCK on a farm and it's gonna be plowing time soon! Their heads can be whacked off! So it's imperative that Mrs. B moves her family out! Clearly the writer of 'Precious' saw this film....
OK! Then!! Mrs. B's youngest son Timmy, the cutest animated field mouse to ever grace the screen (don't object...this is before'An American Tale'), falls ill....and it's possibly FATAL! Great! This is some 'Grapes of Wrath' sh*t. Then Mrs. B visits the scary as all hell Great Owl, who tells her to go to this secret colony of rats called NIHM. We soon find out that this colony of rats have been tested on by humans! This is way too much for my 4 year old brain to handle. Their leader Nicodermus ends up becoming the target of a coup and there is an attempt on his life.
During all this vermin hub bub, I'd sit very still, frightened of what will happen when it's plowing time on Long Island, wondering if I will be forced to find a colony of super smart children to help my dying troll doll and free my family from the dangers of the world. Needless to say, this was a horrifying movie that, as a child, I subjected myself to over and over again when nothing else was on TV. This, and the 1988 classic 'Johnny Be Good' and the Tim Curry vehicle (hehe) 'The Worst Witch'.....but I digress....Lesson here folks, don't let your kids watch TV...
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