Look at these two. Young. Talented. In their prime. She was about to play Baby. He just wrapped Lucas and was a few years away from Platoon. I wish I could freeze frame them and say "DON'T GET A NOSE JOB JEN!! IT MAKES YOU DISTINCT! DISTINCT IN A WAY THAT NO AMOUNT OF GOOD ACTING WILL EVER MEASURE UP TO! SERIOUSLY BITCH! IT WILL RUIN YOUR CAREER FOREVER!" and "CHUCK! DON'T MARRY EVERY PERSON YOU SLEEP WITH! AND USE PROTECTION OR YOU WILL HAVE LIKE 20 KIDS WITH A DOZEN OR SO ANGRY HAGGARD BLONDES" Ah well. Jen continues the MOW circuit and Charlie continues the civil court circuit. If only someone had told them.
I digress....
Never MIND what happened to this guy: