Okokok! My 13 year old musical theatre nerd is singing a 'Howard the Duck' / 'Into The Woods' medley of awesomeness!!! Do you know WHY? I just discovered that the person who voiced 'Howard the Duck' was none other than......CHIP ZIEN.....The original baker from 'Into The Woods'!!....by Stephen Sondheim?...ya know, one of the most awesome musicals to grace the Broadway stage (despite it's Act 2 flaws?)....umm....it was on PBS ALL the time in the 90s? Bernadette Peters was the witch? No? Falsettoland! You saw THAT, right?! No, never? Ok,ok..whatever...so you don't like musicals and anamorphic ducks...you can at least appreciate my enthusiasm, right? No? Ok, ya know what?! Screw you with you're blank stare!....it's verrry exciting. You just don't get it. Pshh! You and your "other interests"...No, no... go ahead....get in your car! LEAVE! I'll be here..alone...singing the theme song from one of the best box office bombs of the 80s....and one of the best musicals of the 90s.
Phew! THAT GUY. Drama!
So, for those of you who aren't into musicals but ARE into comics...'Howard the Duck' actually stemmed from a pretty racy comic book from the 70s and was actually the cause of the first highly publicized 'creators rights' case in American comics when the creator clashed with publishers over creative content and got the boot. The movie took liberties with the plot and story lines. The one things that sticks with me the most from my childhood viewings of this film, were the overt sexual undertones.....which as a child confused the crap outta me...it was kinda gross cause the duck also didn't seem to have a penis. Do ducks have penises?And why would Lea Thompson go for a duck? Clearly she was miffed at her bad break up with Cappie from 'Lucas' and decided to go for a whole 'nother species. Charlie Sheen will do that to you.. But alas...I've digressed.
Click here to see Lea Thompson's fictional band 'The Cherry Bombs' play the rock-tastic and creepy finale of HOWARD THE DUCK! Look out for Tim Robbins!
And here to see Chip Zien sing his heart out with Joanna Gleason as the Baker and Baker's wife at the 1988 Tonys! And please check out Angela Landsbury's shoulder pads. Remarkable!
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