Thursday, May 3, 2012

The FB "Compare & Despair"...don't do it!

THOUGHT OF THE DAY: We all present our best and most awesome versions of ourselves on Facebook, don't we? I've yet to see a status update that says "Well, that was a shitty interview/audition/meeting/concert/outing/job/vacation/wedding." I mean, it happens, but it's rare.
If we judge life by facebook status updates, everyone is ALWAYS successful, happy, ecstatic and loving life. No one EVER looks bad, has bad hair days or fails at anything ever.

So, when you find yourself on someone else's page, in a moment of "compare and despair," remember that you are actually comparing your WHOLE self to a very small percentage of someone else's whole self. And they are doing the same, I promise.

I swear to God, if the only things that happened in my life were the ones I shared on Facebook, I'd have a shit eating grin on my face all day long. If I looked, on a daily basis, the way I look in my facebook pics, I'd never buy eye cream again. It's so hard NOT to look around and think, "well, how do I stack up?" but, in my opinion, this question is the killer of creativity, time, days and self-esteem. It's a question that should be banished far, far the land of deleted photos.

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