Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why I hate facebook

Hey, guy I had a fabulous fairy tale fling with when I was 15, you belong etched in my memory as my Danny Zuko, wearing that leather jacket and flannel and living on the edge! I do not need to be flooded daily with images of your pot belly and bald head and hear about your band's album's availability on CDbaby! Certain people places and things need to remain where they our memories. Facebook erases the wonderment and finality of relationships that were meant to stay dormant and never enter your thoughts again. I cannot tell you how many times a day I am poked prodded or liked by people who, in my mind, are 11-17 years old. Maybe I'm old fashioned and most would say I am, but there is something so lovely about letting certain people lie peacefully in the recesses of my brain. I do not need to beat the dead body of friendships faded nor do I need to reinsert myself into other's lives who've clearly been fine without me all these years. Social networking takes the nostalgia and fun out of bumping into an old friend or flame. It takes the "I wonder" out of every moment of reflection on your social past. I'd go so far as to say it makes life a little more predictable. And that is why I hate facebook.

I give myself 2 minutes til I'm back stalking my exes. ;)

To quote Lisa Kudrow from The Comeback : "I don't want to see that!"


  1. I know. It's why I didn't want to go to my HS reunion. I didn't want my fantasy of the people I admired once to be blown by what they are like now LOL
