So Macho Man Randy Savage just passed away..and with him, some of my childhood did as well. He was my ALL TIME favorite WWF wrestler. The day of his death, I was on line at Vons and this adorable 12 year old was begging her jovial dad for a Slim Jim, right behind me. The dad was hemming and hawing (as I would do if my child begged me to eat a processed stick of MSG infused cow hooves). I couldn't help myself, I turned to the dad and let him know that the Slim Jim spokesperson, Macho Man Randy Savage, has just passed away. The dad, who already knew, was inspired. We decided that in honor of Randy Savage's passing, his daughter should get the slim jim. She was thrilled and actually thanked me. Cute kid. Sadly, she was not aware of who her real benefactor was. She would never understand the sheer entertainment Randy Savage bestowed upon us children of the 90s. One can only hope that he and Miss Elizabeth are reunited in heaven in that big ring up in the sky.
Rest in Peace Macho Man. Ohhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaah!
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