No, I am not talking about the giant red dog that sits on the pages of children's bookshelves all across the world. I am talking about
Clifford the 1994 Short-Grodin-Steenburgen film where 40 year old Martin Short played a 10 year old boy. WHAT THE F%CK?! Why was he playing a child?? Was Macauley too busy filming "Richie Rich"? There was no botox then! The dude had crows feet! I went to see this in the theatre and though I can hardly remember the film, I was very disturbed afterwards. And, sidebar, what was I doing going to see this film at that point in time? I was already in high school...I already had bangs...I was ... such. a. dork. Annnyway, I do recall at one point in the film, Clifford is being tucked in by his uncle(Charles Grodin)'s fiancee (Mary Steenburgen) and I remember wondering if they were going to have sex...which was so gross for so many reasons, namely my mind immediately went to Steenburgen tucking in a cooing baby-diaper wearing Ted Dansen in some sort of odd sex game. I think this film goes in the pile with "
Problem Child"..yet another extremely disturbing "comedy" about a sadistic young boy who, for all intensive purposes, tries to murder his parents. Films about crazy young kids (even if they are 40) aren't comedies. They should, however, be used as birth control in areas with a high rate of teen pregnancies. If you have sex, your kid will look like Martin Short and burn down your house! Take THAT West Virginia!

The bad seed! I loved that movie!
ReplyDeleteI am just saying, you might want to give this movie another shot now that you are a bit more grown-up (though yes, I completely understand how *massively* disturbing it is from a kid's POV). The performances are truly awesome, and it is just a freaking delightfully weird movie. Grodin only tops himself in Midnight Run & The Great Muppet Caper.
ReplyDeletehmmm...I did wonder if it was perhaps better to see it as an adult...ok! I will try it and follow up!